Our Sustainability Commitment

Geo Logica is an ethically responsible brand, with absolute environmental awareness and eager to communicate and share knowledge about Earth sciences. Here are some of our sustainability commitments:

  • Geo Logica supports geoscience programs with universities, local associations, schools and councils to preserve and sustainably develop their local environment, ecosystems and local communities.

  • Offsets carbon emissions of our activities by acquiring land to plant trees and reduce paper usage by providing digital info and booklets to our participants.

  • Uses local products, content and services whenever possible.

  • Encourages the efficient use of transports, electronic devices, materials, natural resources and energy and promotes re-usage, recycle and reduce policies.

  • Promotes responsible access to outcrops minimising the impact on rocks, flora and fauna.

  • Seeks all needed legal authorisations and permits to develop Geo Logica activities.

  • Promote best environmental and social practices in all our activities and products.